Welcome to the information page for the BC Nature Conference & AGM, May 2025
Nature in the Rain Shadow – grasslands, forests & wetlands
The Nicola Naturalist Society is preparing to welcome BC Nature members to the spring conference and AGM in Merritt, 22-24 May 2025. Registration begins on January 2nd, 2025; reduced fees end March 21st. Please keep checking this page for updates.
Steps for registering for this conference
1. Check the program
To download the conference program click here: BC Nature 2025 program
2. Check the field outings
Decide which outings or workshops you would like to do. Descriptions of the outings are here: BCN Conference Field Trip descriptions
These outings are now FULL:
- Friday afternoon Lundbom Commonage nature hike (off trails)
- Friday afternoon and Saturday morning Hamilton Commonage
- Friday afternoon and Saturday morning Minerals, fossils & geological history
- Friday night Moths
- Friday night Spadefoot outing
- Friday night Owling
- Saturday morning Butterflies with Bob
- Sunday morning Coquihalla hike (another hike option is being planned)
- Sunday morning Tunkwa Lake birding
- Sunday morning Douglas Lake Plateau
- Sunday morning Pennask Lake Road
- Sunday morning Bluebird of the Nicola Valley
We have added another Sunday outing and are working on adding more – keep checking here.
3. Go to the registration web-page at BC Nature
Registration begins on January 2nd, 2025 – you will register on the BC Nature website – Registration
When you submit your registration it will be saved at BC Nature and also be sent to the Nicola Naturalist Society registrar at NicolaAGM2025@gmail.com
4. Submit your payment
On the registration form, calculate your payment. Remember that the banquet is extra. You can either send a cheque to: Nicola Naturalist Society, c/o 1308 Hwy 8E, Merritt, BC V1K 1R6. OR (preferred)
Send an e-transfer to treasurernns@gmail.com
NOTE: If you send an e-transfer with a security question please send the answer to the same email address in a separate email.
5. Complete the waiver.
The waiver form is on the BC Nature registration page or you can download it here: 2025 – NNS AGM Waiver
Then scan and email the completed form to NicolaAGM2025@gmail.com or mail to the postal address given above.
6. Accommodation in Merritt
Merritt has many hotels and motels. None of them is offering any substantial discounts for this conference. There are also campgrounds listed below.
Recommended hotels/motels – we were unable to get any significant discounts or block bookings, but if you mention the Nicola Naturalist Society and BC Nature Conference you could get a 10% discount. It is sometimes cheaper to book through an online booking site. Click on the name to go to their website:
- Quality Inn 250-378-4253 Nicolainn@telus.net
- Ramada Inn 250-378-3567 frontdesk@ramadamerritt.ca
- Comfort Inn 250-315-0237 ashish@comfortinnmerritt.ca
- Best Western 250-378-0700 anoop@bwplusmerritt.com
- Sage Inn 250-378-9422 sageinnmerritt@gmail.com
Campgrounds in or near Merritt: Click here to download a list of campsites in and near Merritt: RV and camping accommodations
7. Travel to Merritt
Try to minimize your carbon footprint in coming to this conference. Here are two alternatives to driving.
Buses – try these links for regular buses from Vancouver and elsewhere to Merritt
Information to come.
You should be all set! Go brush up on your interior birds and butterflies!
For a useful link to Nicola Valley butterflies go here: Nicola Valley Butterflies
If you need further information either fill in the contact form below or email: NicolaAGM2025@gmail.com