Evening meetings are on hold due to the Covid restrictions (January & February 2022). We will update this posting as needed. Members please check your emails for updates on events.
Evening meetings of the Nicola Naturalist Society are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Lecture Theatre of NVIT (Nicola Valley Institute of Technology) on Belshaw Road, Merritt. Our evening meetings are free for members. Non-members by donation. We have awesome raffles.
For insurance reasons, our field outings are restricted to our members (visitors can join membership-for-a-day). Annual membership runs from 1 September through 31 August. To join the Nicola Naturalist Society click here: Membership Page
We are on Facebook. Check out our Facebook page: NNS Facebook
Meet us at these Merritt community events:
- Saturday September 18th – Merritt Street Market, 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
- Saturday October 2nd – Community Engagement Fair, Merritt Civic Centre from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Thursday October 21st, 2021, 7 PM at NVIT Lecture Theatre: AGM and Members’ Photo Night
We keep the necessary business meeting short so there is ample time to enjoy local nature photos taken by our talented membership. We haven’t seen members’ photos on the big screen for many months so this will be a gala occasion.

This little Saw-whet Owl found a sheltered spot to roost during the day. This species is strictly nocturnal. Photo: © Cathy Tombes
Thursday November 18th, 7 PM at NVIT Lecture Theatre: Elaine Sedgman – Common Bees of the Southern Interior of B.C.
Elaine Sedgman is a well-known Kamloops naturalist and a strong supporter of native pollinators. Her presentation will introduce us to some of the diverse bee species in the Southern Interior and their important roles in pollination and food production. This presentation was originally scheduled for May 2020 but postponed because of the pandemic.
Sunday December 12th – 09:00: Tracking with Frank Ritcey
For members only. Meet at the Lundbom parking lot. From 09:00 until about noon. Wear clothing to match the weather. Gaiters and snowshoes should be useful.
Saturday December 18th: Merritt Christmas Bird Count
Our club organizes the Merritt Christmas Bird Count – an annual one-day event focused on a 22 km diameter count circle. We are one of several thousand Christmas Bird Counts that take place each year across North America (for over 100 years in some places). You don’t have to be an expert to participate – groups are led by a knowledgeable birder. To register please email: nicolanaturalists@gmail.com
See our feature page on this event: Merritt CBC 2021
For information and photos from the December 2021 Merritt CBC click here: 2021 Merritt CBC
Saturday January 8th: Merritt Christmas Bird Count for Kids
An outing jointly run by the Merritt NatureKids Club and the Nicola Naturalist Society.
For a report on this outing and photos click here: CBC4Kids
Thursday January 20th 2022, 7 PM at NVIT Lecture Theatre: Meeting cancelled because of Covid resurgence
Thursday February 17th 2022, 7 PM at NVIT Lecture Theatre: Frank Ritcey – Ethical Wildlife Viewing & Photography
NOTE: This meeting was postponed because of the COVID restrictions and risk. We hope to have this event in March 2022.
Join Frank for an evening of videos and photos of BC wildlife and an in-depth discussion about what it means to be an ethical viewer and photographer of wildlife. An active Nicola Naturalist Society member, Frank formerly worked for WildSafe in Kamloops, promoting safe interactions between humans and wildlife. Those who enjoyed Frank’s recent photo/video exhibition in Merritt know that this evening will be a real treat.