We had a good turnout of 10 members to our trip to Hill’s Homestead and other parts of Kane Valley near Merritt. Here are a few photos and notes from the outing. Scroll down to see photos and find the flower and plant lists.

Nicola Naturalists climbing the hill at Hill’s Homestead, Kane Valley. 17 June 2017. Photo: ©Alan Burger
The attraction was the wildflowers – currently at peak flowering for most species. And we were not disappointed.

Upland Larkspur (Delphinium nuttalianum) [left] and Sticky Geranium (Geranium viscosissium). Photos: ©Bob Scafe

A pair of penstemon species: Shrubby Penstemon (P. fructicosus) [left] and Small-flowered Penstemon (P. procerus) [right]. Photos: ©Alan Burger

Meadow Death Camas (Zigadenus veneosus) [left] and Round-leafed Alumroot (Heuchera cylindrica) [right]. Photos: ©Alan Burger
And when the sun came out and it warmed up a bit, we also had butterflies:

A brace of blues: Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus) [left] and Western Tailed Blue (Cupido amyntula) [right] in Kane Valley, 17 June 2017. Photos: ©Bob Scafe
And lots of birds ….

A female Barrow’s Goldeneye with 6 young ducklings – Hill’s Homestead pond, Kane Valley, 17 June 2017. Photo: ©Alan Burger

Willow Flycatcher showing off his back and front sides. Kane Valley, 17 June 2017. Photos: ©Alan Burger

We found a pair of American Three-toed Woodpeckers feeding chicks at a nest – male [left] and female [right], Kane Valley, 17 June 2017. Photos: ©Bob Scafe [L] and ©Bill Stowell [R]
But the real highlight of the day came right after lunch as we headed down into the old-growth forest on the Hill’s Homestead loop. Sitting right over the road was this huge bundle of feathers …..
It turned out to be a very cooperative Great Gray Owl. It allowed us to get great views and photos as it moved short distances from perch to perch.
Wow! Great sightings of a great bird.
Here are the flower and bird lists from this outing:
Flower list Kane Valley 17 June 2017
Bird List Kane Valley 17 June 2017