The Nicola Naturalists are organizing the Christmas Bird Count in the Merritt, BC count circle. This is the 16th count in this circle (a 24 km diameter area in which we look for birds each year). The count is one of hundreds held across North America organized by the Audubon Society and Bird Studies Canada. For more information on the overall Christmas Bird Count click here: Audubon CBC

Merritt birders using park benches to get a better view while scanning Nicola Lake for waterbirds. Photo © Corey Burger
You don’t have to be an expert birder to participate. We will have 5 or 6 groups covering different parts of the count circle and there will be experienced birders in each group. The main goal is to have fun – get out and see what birds are about, learn more about winter birds in our area, and have some social birding.
If you are interested in joining a group to participate in the Merritt Christmas Bird Count please send an e-mail to or phone 250-378-2468.
We also have a post-count pot-luck supper where we tally up the count numbers and share experiences of our day’s birding. With any luck we will encounter some less common species such as this American Tree Sparrow.
Check out the report from last year’s Merritt CBC here: 2013 Merritt CBC