Dr. Kristiina Ovaska of Biolinx Environmental Research Inc., Victoria, is one of BC’s most experienced herpetologists, and is leading the Nicola Naturalist Society’s Amphibian Monitoring Project in the Merritt area. She has worked on research and conservation projects in many parts of the world, including the tropics with its rich frog diversity. Kristiina is also an excellent nature photographer and lecturer. In a richly illustrated talk, she will share some of her experiences with us, while explaining why amphibians are so vulnerable to the many changes the earth is experiencing.

Coqui Churi frog Eleutherodactylus antillensis from the British Virgin Islands. Photo Kristiina Ovaska

Pacific Chorus Frog (formerly treefrog) – a common resident of the Merritt/Nicola area. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska
For more information on the Amphibian Monitoring Project that Dr. Ovaska is leading in the Merritt/Nicola area in collaboration with the Nicola Naturalist Society go to our Projects page
To download a progress report from this monitoring project click here: Nicola amphibian monitoring report, Dec 2011