Here are more photos from the amphibian monitoring project run by the Nicola Naturalist Society and Biolinx Environmental Research Ltd. in the Merritt area.
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Practice your frog identification skills.
- Big Mama! A very large Columbia Spotted Frog. Photo: Alan Burger
- Columbia Spotted Frog. Photo: Christian Engelstoft
- Columbia Spotted Frog. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska
- Searching for evidence of frog breeding in a forest pond. Photo: Alan Burger
- Larvae of the Long-toed Salamander. Note the external gills. Photo: Christian Engelstoft.
- A Columbia Spotted Frog sitting on a minnow trap. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska.
- Searching for egg masses and tadpoles by kayak. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska.
- Breeding habitat of the Great Basin Spadefoot, upper Nicola Valley. Photo: Krisiina Ovaska.
- A Great Basin Spadefoot tadpole, upper Nicola Valley. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska
- Nicola Naturalist Society volunteers frogging at Harrison Lake. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska
- Western Toad breeding habitat at Glimpse Lake, near Merritt. Photo: Kristiina Ovaska
- Pacific Chorus Frog (formerly treefrog). Photo: Kristiina Ovaska
- Seearching for frogs at a lake in the Merritt area. Photo: Christian Engelstoft.
- Egg mass of the Pacific Chorus Frog (tree frog). Photo: Lennart Sopuck.