More photos from our members. Click on the thumbnails to see full-size images. Then click the links below the photo to move to the next enlarged photo. To return to the thumbnail page click the link above an enlarged photo.
- Downy Woodpecker male (Photo: Alan Burger)
- Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) (Photo: Trudy Starr)
- Pika (Photo: Jack & Carol Madryga)
- Bald Eagle (Photo: Myrna McPhail)
- Winter conversation! Steller’s Jays at a Merritt feeder (Photo: Pius Chong)
- Varied Thrush (Photo: Jill & Gerry Sanford)
- Coyote (Photo: Gloria Brenner)
- Sagebrush Buttercup (Photo: Alan Burger)
- Red Squirrel (photo: Alan Burger)
- Red-backed Vole (photo: Alan Burger)
- Ruffed Grouse (photo: Alan Burger)
- Steller’s Jay (photo: Alan Burger)