Here is a batch of photos from our members. Click on the thumbnails to see full-size images. Then click the links below the photo to move to the next enlarged photo.
To return to the thumbnail page click the link above an enlarged photo.
- Bighorn Sheep (photo: Carol & Jack Madryga)
- Black Bear (photo: Gloria Brenner)
- Pileated Woodpecker (photo: Alan Burger)
- Cricket (photo: Alan Burger)
- Great Grey Owl near Merritt (photo: Carol & Jack Madryga)
- Killdeer (photo: Gloria Brenner)
- Killdeer giving broken-wing display near nest (photo: Gloria Brenner)
- Young Bighorn Sheep (photo: Corey Burger)
- Yellow Pine Chipmunk (photo: Carol & Jack Madryga)
- American Coot with chick (photo: Murphy Shewchuk)
- Western Rattlesnake Crotalus organus (photo: Murphy Shewchuk)
- Porcupine (photo: Murphy Shewchuk)